Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Burning Bright In The Night

The light is burning bright & wild
But there is a killer in the night…
He stalks & walks in grace & style
Preying on the heart of the little light.

Would the darkness engulf her now?
Or could she bring light into the killer’s night?
All time and space are standing still
Waiting and watching for the kill.

The time has come to tell the world…
Of the killer in the night & his lady burning bright.
A moment so magical, a treat so rare…
History to be created by those who dare.

The play of the light in the night
Cannot be hidden from a true knight
Those pure of heart, have come to know
That light exists because of the night.

It took a killer to bring insight
To knock some sense into his lady light
That they can be no light without the night
‘For…In every night there is a light even if it is a glimer, it burns bright.”

The lady light now with her killer Knight
Stalk the world both day & night
Telling all those with sight & might
That there can never be light without the night !

God Bless Always in Darkness & in Light !


Anonymous said...

Hi Saba, really long time since u wrote anything. Absolutely loved your poem. You write from your heart & thats what makes you so special.

I have just one question though...who is this knight who has stolen away the light in the middle of the night?

Take care little one, wouldnt want to lose you to some stranger in the night.


Wiseldress said...

Hey... how you doing? Long time no hear? What u up to & which part of the world r u in right now?

Am glad u liked the poem...but dont ask me any questions about the Knight, for he has little insight into the plight of his lady light !


Shilpa Jacobie said...


It's beautiful as all your poems are. It was scary yet exciting. Keep writing.

Wiseldress said...

Thanks a zillion Shil...but honestly would love to read some of writings too.

Lots of luv...N

Wiseldress said...

My God writing after almost a year. I seem to have lost touch !

Anonymous said...


Nice poem

infact it invoked one other poem in me... William Blake's Tiger Tiger Burning Bright.. I dont know if you have read it,.. but both these poems are so complimentary .. so lady you are in GREAT company


Anonymous said...

Hey Saba

whats with the knight ? Interesting metaphor that stuck out when I read it the 3rd time...

what am I missing ? ;)

Wiseldress said...

Hey Mahi... i recall u had written a similar poem sometime back, one which consumed u.

I guess we all have our hidden paths of walking thru' the journey & landing at the same place.

U are too sharp to miss anything my friend...the Knight is of importance to me, but how important i am to the Knight only time will tell.


PS: Blake used the Tiger & i use the Knight... the goal is always the same.

Anonymous said...


Yes it does seem that we all end up in the same or similar places, just different routes.

And interestingly the routes are through our greatest fears (allagory to night) and through it emerges the gift (light). One is incomplete without the other.

regd the knight: its interesting you have created a split between the knight and you.. you know better than to do that ..

Yes blake uses tiger, you use the knight and I use the fire .. interestingly its all the same thing... and yet its different..becuase of the routes we take.

Wiseldress said...

I have created no split my friend...its just that sometimes the mind gets the better of u & THE HEART seems to be in doubt !

Hope u get my drift and understand what i am trying to get at...or have i gone on one of my rambling sprees?

Wiseldress said...

BTW...i still dont have access to ur blog...send me the invite once more... ur writings mean a lot to me. They mirror my thoughts & bring them to focus.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.