Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Burning Bright In The Night

The light is burning bright & wild
But there is a killer in the night…
He stalks & walks in grace & style
Preying on the heart of the little light.

Would the darkness engulf her now?
Or could she bring light into the killer’s night?
All time and space are standing still
Waiting and watching for the kill.

The time has come to tell the world…
Of the killer in the night & his lady burning bright.
A moment so magical, a treat so rare…
History to be created by those who dare.

The play of the light in the night
Cannot be hidden from a true knight
Those pure of heart, have come to know
That light exists because of the night.

It took a killer to bring insight
To knock some sense into his lady light
That they can be no light without the night
‘For…In every night there is a light even if it is a glimer, it burns bright.”

The lady light now with her killer Knight
Stalk the world both day & night
Telling all those with sight & might
That there can never be light without the night !

God Bless Always in Darkness & in Light !