Saturday, January 09, 2010

Evolving the Path
In the Prime of Life, at Hilt of Success
Stood a wanderer in absolute distress.
Having Achieved all that could be got
He stood alone watching the path.
Something amiss, he decided to start Anew -
To Evolve a Path - One that very few Knew.
The Journey of Evolution thus Began
Embracing Life and Every Man
To break the bonds that tie the soul
Into Liberation the Wind Now Blows.


For the very first time the Tendril unfolded into a Sapling.
For the very first time the Fledgling unfolded its Wings to fly.
For the very first time Man unfolded the Light within.
For the very first time the Saint unfolded his Soul.
For the very first time the Soul unfolded itself to become one with the Universe
For the very first time the Universe stood still unfolding – Watching the Play,
The Play of endless unfolding from Becoming to Being.

For the very first time I unfolded Me…until there was No Me!