Sunday, February 26, 2006

I came across this anecdote somewhere during my readings.
Don’t really know who said it, when, where or in what context.
But whoever it was – most definitely made a mark on me.

Love In Adbundance

~Saba Khadri~

Reflections On Effort

The anxious student asked the Zen master how long to enlightenment.

The Zen Master answered a long time, at least 10 years.

The student said, "Well I will work twice as hard."

The Zen master said, "Then it will take 20 years."

"No!" said the committed student, "I will work three times as hard."

"Well then," said the Zen master, "it will take 30 years."


Anonymous said...

Here Here Mate.
Those Zen Guys, have an amazing way of bringing the essence of life to light with just a few words.

Great Blog, one can get hooked on so easily.

Wiseldress said...

Hi there, whoever u are...Thnx for stopping by & penning your views.
Ur absolutely right...some of the Zen Philosohers do have a way with words.
In keeping with Zen tradition...the little said about it, the better it is.

God Bless !

Noor said...

Yea..i agree with the zenbies.."if hardwork was the key to success..i'd rather choose the lock".
