One Night By The River…
Hand held out by the river side
A young little lass lay all drawn & tested
The moon spread its light that night
In the midst of the thicket and darkest night
What questions gnawed her mind & what answers did she seek?
Mysteries of the universe waiting to be revealed.
What cosmic puzzle & chance of fate
Had brought her to this undiscovered, hidden state.
The world she thought was a messed up river
Constantly in turmoil to the naked eye
Hiding treasures and secrets deep within
All calm and serene –laughing unbidden.
But who would take the dive on a stormy night
Seeking the inner world, beyond the obvious
What mad fool, would risk his life
Just to discover the meaning of being.
And what then would become of him-
Who jumped into the ocean on such a night?
Would he find his way back home some day or
Settle down in the new found land?
Can one exist on two planes and yet lead one life?
Many questions cropped that night – as she lay by the river hand held out.
A madman to the world – wandering between nothingness
For no more did he exist – than time or space
How could the drop not know itself
When drowned into the ocean of its being
His ramblings – made little sense
Except to those who knew no difference from him.
He spoke to himself & laughed out loud
While everybody were busy working around.
What purpose did they have and what did they seek
All busy leading a life – blissfully unaware of who they were.
And here she was, now by the river…following the path of the madman
Taking the plunge on a stormy night, in hope of finding the inner self.
No more questions did she have…nor answers did she seek
For the time had passed to Question Why
Now it was just to Do or Die !
Monday, May 15, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The Things We Do For Love
This post comes on the behest of some very dear friends…who have seen the many shades of love….most of whom no longer trust or believe in it anymore !
Love the purest & most sacred of all emotions, has grossly been misinterpreted & misunderstood since time immemorial.
Easiest is its path to walk, yet glorified are the scarifies made.
No demands does it have, no expectations does it lay,
Yet it is immortalized by the bondage of all.
It dissolves into the most selfless form
By giving into every selfish desire…
But who has understood the meaning of such selfishness
And who has made a cage of all that is selfless.
Such is the mystery, such is the magic
Such is the malady of true love !
Through my limited vision & grape wine knowledge listed are some of the things most people do in the name of love:
• Blow out one’s existence, just to exist for the other significant person who has just about entered their life.
Clueless Wanderer: Very Chivalrous…but what kind of person would exist for another, when he cannot even exist for himself.
• Ignore all flaws, accepting the partner for who he/she is.
Clueless Wanderer: Wouldn’t the knowledge of ignoring flaws, be indicative of flaws in the other person, which means the existence of a flawed vision within you.
• Giving up family & friends, just to be with your so called ‘better half’.
Clueless Wanderer: What kind of ‘better half’ would that be, that draws you away from those once closest to you.
• Work terribly hard, so that you can be a great provider to your mate.
Clueless Wanderer: But what have you provided yourself with in the long run…I really wonder?
• Give up quite a few things that your partner does not like about you, so that s/he is happy.
Clueless Wanderer: …but how long will you be happy with it all ?
Most people have hidden well
From the one they intend to dwell
The people & things that once touched their heart
So that the one you claim to love has happiness heaped in a shopping cart.
The irony of luv, is plain to see
For we hide & shun those closest to us
To live a life of peaceful façade…A charade for all to see
—while dying all the time is the true Me.
Scorned are mirrors & reflections of me
For words have broken more than a leaf on a tree
Could they be glued & set right once more?
Could life be breath into to lifeless door…
Could miracles be performed & all wounds be healed
Would I be able to bring back those…
Who never left me … even though with others I chose to be?
No time no space exist anymore
Lost is true love in the sea of ego
What mattered most is now hidden deep
Never to be found by any living being !
This post comes on the behest of some very dear friends…who have seen the many shades of love….most of whom no longer trust or believe in it anymore !
Love the purest & most sacred of all emotions, has grossly been misinterpreted & misunderstood since time immemorial.
Easiest is its path to walk, yet glorified are the scarifies made.
No demands does it have, no expectations does it lay,
Yet it is immortalized by the bondage of all.
It dissolves into the most selfless form
By giving into every selfish desire…
But who has understood the meaning of such selfishness
And who has made a cage of all that is selfless.
Such is the mystery, such is the magic
Such is the malady of true love !
Through my limited vision & grape wine knowledge listed are some of the things most people do in the name of love:
• Blow out one’s existence, just to exist for the other significant person who has just about entered their life.
Clueless Wanderer: Very Chivalrous…but what kind of person would exist for another, when he cannot even exist for himself.
• Ignore all flaws, accepting the partner for who he/she is.
Clueless Wanderer: Wouldn’t the knowledge of ignoring flaws, be indicative of flaws in the other person, which means the existence of a flawed vision within you.
• Giving up family & friends, just to be with your so called ‘better half’.
Clueless Wanderer: What kind of ‘better half’ would that be, that draws you away from those once closest to you.
• Work terribly hard, so that you can be a great provider to your mate.
Clueless Wanderer: But what have you provided yourself with in the long run…I really wonder?
• Give up quite a few things that your partner does not like about you, so that s/he is happy.
Clueless Wanderer: …but how long will you be happy with it all ?
Most people have hidden well
From the one they intend to dwell
The people & things that once touched their heart
So that the one you claim to love has happiness heaped in a shopping cart.
The irony of luv, is plain to see
For we hide & shun those closest to us
To live a life of peaceful façade…A charade for all to see
—while dying all the time is the true Me.
Scorned are mirrors & reflections of me
For words have broken more than a leaf on a tree
Could they be glued & set right once more?
Could life be breath into to lifeless door…
Could miracles be performed & all wounds be healed
Would I be able to bring back those…
Who never left me … even though with others I chose to be?
No time no space exist anymore
Lost is true love in the sea of ego
What mattered most is now hidden deep
Never to be found by any living being !
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Resurfacing Material …R there hidden messages?
It is surprising how things we had once forgotten about reappear just when u need them most … just like this article called ‘So Many Good Byes Before the Eternal Hello’ by Jenina Gomes. Apart from this article, were other things that decided to make their appearance & presence felt at this point in my life like video recordings & cd’s by forgotten heroes, my most treasured books that are no longer in print or circulation today and most importantly poems & articles by close friends.
I spent the last two weeks, far away from the world of technology[that’s my cell & electronic note book…which looking back was one of my greatest achievements till date] & the madly evolving society --- saying long due goodbyes to certain people, places & parts of me, which were not letting me move forward - for fear of what might lie around the bend, for fear of letting go of things that were once comfort zones, for fear of moving away from familiar & secure settings…This article among other things gave me the much needed nudge to take the plunge, saying final Good Byes Before Eternal Hello’s !
In due course of time I will share the other things that matter most to me …but for now… here are excerpts from the article by Jenina Gomes …
So Many Good Byes before the Eternal Hello
Like a flock of homesick cranes flying back to their mountain nests, we are all pilgrims on life’s journey. We keep journeying, never arriving. There is always a further bend along the road to negotiate or another road to travel.
All along our journey we have to keep letting go: of places, people, and events. Some doors close others open. Every transition in life is the closing of one door and the opening of another.
Few of us are prepared for life’s transitions. We cling to what seems an irrevocable part of us. Yet, in every day life, there is a continuous stripping. We are that much the poorer for fighting the process. Part of us is comfortable with the journey, but another part resists the inevitable.
Sometimes relationships are the hardest to let go of, though they may have little basis at the core of our being. When they do, as the little Prince – who comes to earth from an asteroid in Saint-Exupery’s novel – discovers in his encounter with the fox, “only with the heart one can see rightly, what is essentially invisible to the eye”. When the little Prince said: “Come and play with me. I am so unhappy”, the fox replied: “I cannot play with you I am not tamed”. When a beautiful friendship develops between the fox & the little prince and the fox is now tamed, the fox reminds the prince, “Men have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible for whatever you have tamed”.
That is the eternal miracle of life: the eternal in the hello. It does not die. We have so many goodbyes, sometimes to untamed parts of ourselves as well as others, before we are ready to be responsible forever for what we tame.
Different symbols speak to different people. For Joyce Rupp the sound of the geese going south in the winter spoke to a part of her that knew that transitions and change are necessary and that leaving secure situations is an essential part of growth. They also reminded her of the blessings that change and transitions have meant for her growth and all the special people who walked through her heart before she moved on.
Life is full of transitions. Learn to grow through them. Spiritual maturity comes when we learn to say our goodbyes fully so that we can say our own “Eternal Hellos”.
It is surprising how things we had once forgotten about reappear just when u need them most … just like this article called ‘So Many Good Byes Before the Eternal Hello’ by Jenina Gomes. Apart from this article, were other things that decided to make their appearance & presence felt at this point in my life like video recordings & cd’s by forgotten heroes, my most treasured books that are no longer in print or circulation today and most importantly poems & articles by close friends.
I spent the last two weeks, far away from the world of technology[that’s my cell & electronic note book…which looking back was one of my greatest achievements till date] & the madly evolving society --- saying long due goodbyes to certain people, places & parts of me, which were not letting me move forward - for fear of what might lie around the bend, for fear of letting go of things that were once comfort zones, for fear of moving away from familiar & secure settings…This article among other things gave me the much needed nudge to take the plunge, saying final Good Byes Before Eternal Hello’s !
In due course of time I will share the other things that matter most to me …but for now… here are excerpts from the article by Jenina Gomes …
So Many Good Byes before the Eternal Hello
Like a flock of homesick cranes flying back to their mountain nests, we are all pilgrims on life’s journey. We keep journeying, never arriving. There is always a further bend along the road to negotiate or another road to travel.
All along our journey we have to keep letting go: of places, people, and events. Some doors close others open. Every transition in life is the closing of one door and the opening of another.
Few of us are prepared for life’s transitions. We cling to what seems an irrevocable part of us. Yet, in every day life, there is a continuous stripping. We are that much the poorer for fighting the process. Part of us is comfortable with the journey, but another part resists the inevitable.
Sometimes relationships are the hardest to let go of, though they may have little basis at the core of our being. When they do, as the little Prince – who comes to earth from an asteroid in Saint-Exupery’s novel – discovers in his encounter with the fox, “only with the heart one can see rightly, what is essentially invisible to the eye”. When the little Prince said: “Come and play with me. I am so unhappy”, the fox replied: “I cannot play with you I am not tamed”. When a beautiful friendship develops between the fox & the little prince and the fox is now tamed, the fox reminds the prince, “Men have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible for whatever you have tamed”.
That is the eternal miracle of life: the eternal in the hello. It does not die. We have so many goodbyes, sometimes to untamed parts of ourselves as well as others, before we are ready to be responsible forever for what we tame.
Different symbols speak to different people. For Joyce Rupp the sound of the geese going south in the winter spoke to a part of her that knew that transitions and change are necessary and that leaving secure situations is an essential part of growth. They also reminded her of the blessings that change and transitions have meant for her growth and all the special people who walked through her heart before she moved on.
Life is full of transitions. Learn to grow through them. Spiritual maturity comes when we learn to say our goodbyes fully so that we can say our own “Eternal Hellos”.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
All Of Me
Not a very long time ago as I walked by myself in my then formless state, in what is in today’s language called sheer light…an absolutely absurd thought struck me – What if I could break my self…I mean disintegrate into a zillion pieces – how fascinating would that be….i wondered.
I would be able to live each of my desires in entirety, creating and taking ‘n’ number of forms. Truly enthralling would such a play be …. and since I would be a part of every tiny little Me and I could stop the play whenever I wanted and could join the bigger Me in becoming the whole ‘I’ once more.
Though by breaking myself up into so many smaller Me’s I would also be creating what is commonly now known as islands of darkness….but it is only though this Darkness that Light would once more be.
A crazy thought it was, not to mention a very impulsive decision if I ever gave into it….but on the other hand what did I have to lose? Absolutely Nothing [I rationalized]…. cauz there is nothing other than me …..and it is impossible to lose Me to Me so I though why not give it a shot !
It was in that insane moment, that I gave into that thought of mine --- like I gave into a zillion others….soon to become bored with each of my thoughtless games. I am sure that it is boredom and nothing else that drives me into coming up with these strange thoughts. In the words of one of my later forms to be ‘Man’ – ‘It was the lazy who invented the wheel’ and in my case it was the bored who invented himself. Whatever be the case & whatever may be said I was sure my new game would be an extraordinarily exciting play….
Just as I was about to disintegrate, another thought struck me….How would I be able to recognise Me, once I broke into so many littler Me’s….especially when I would be taking so many zillion forms?
I could be the trees & flowers and fruits that would bear them OR the oceans and the seas and all the creature in them OR I could fly in my air and tease the other little Me’s that would walk the earth – four legged creatures & some two legged ones too….Ohhh my creation seems endless.
With all this happening there is bound to be some confusion… Each little Me would be speaking in its own tongue to its own kind – how then will I interact with a different Me who is in a different form?....And even if I was amongst my own kind, how would I know and tell the other Me….that its all just ME – one & the same !
Questions like this would drive the smaller Me’s, who haven’t seem the bigger whole Me absolutely insane---there had to be a way out of this loop of mine.
So I thought hard and very hard indeed only to realise how stupid the thought itself had been….for, since I was a part of every little Me, all I would have to do is see the light through the darkness in Me…..No matter how small the Me I turn out to be, a speck of light is all I would need to see the Me & once I see the light of Me, I will begin to see it in everything around Me….Gradually all the little Me’s would begin to integrate to once again become the complete ME.
Wow….this seems to beat all the other games I created till date…. I will call it the ‘I-Me’ Game.
Having now worked out all the details of the ‘I-Me’ Game I finally disintegrated into a zillion pieces of light, scattering myself through darkness – all of which was Me.
Now I wait and watch all the little Me’s in all their various forms, walk the path of discovery sooner or later, seeking and seeing the light, which is the essence of every Me….finally unfolding into the bigger, whole & complete ME !
I can see that the play has begun and is well under way…but how long will it take for every little Me to see the light in Me…..A zillion years maybe….but what’s the hurry, I am here for eternity !
To all the other Me’s who have already seen Me in themselves and all those around them & who now have merged with Me…becoming the bigger I, I say….lets watch my play the ‘I-Me’ Game, now from this side of the fence……
……But How long would it take for those foolish little Me’s to realise that the fence is also ME !
Kisi Shayar Ne Kaha…..
Yeh saara khel hai mera,
Mujh me sama kar to dekho,
Khuda ko dekhna hai to
Phele khud ko mita kar to dekho.
Yeh raaz bahut hai gahera
Isme zara doob ke to dekho,
Noor ko samajh na hai to
Phele Noor ban ke to dekho !
God Bless & Lots of Luv,
~Saba Khadri~
Not a very long time ago as I walked by myself in my then formless state, in what is in today’s language called sheer light…an absolutely absurd thought struck me – What if I could break my self…I mean disintegrate into a zillion pieces – how fascinating would that be….i wondered.
I would be able to live each of my desires in entirety, creating and taking ‘n’ number of forms. Truly enthralling would such a play be …. and since I would be a part of every tiny little Me and I could stop the play whenever I wanted and could join the bigger Me in becoming the whole ‘I’ once more.
Though by breaking myself up into so many smaller Me’s I would also be creating what is commonly now known as islands of darkness….but it is only though this Darkness that Light would once more be.
A crazy thought it was, not to mention a very impulsive decision if I ever gave into it….but on the other hand what did I have to lose? Absolutely Nothing [I rationalized]…. cauz there is nothing other than me …..and it is impossible to lose Me to Me so I though why not give it a shot !
It was in that insane moment, that I gave into that thought of mine --- like I gave into a zillion others….soon to become bored with each of my thoughtless games. I am sure that it is boredom and nothing else that drives me into coming up with these strange thoughts. In the words of one of my later forms to be ‘Man’ – ‘It was the lazy who invented the wheel’ and in my case it was the bored who invented himself. Whatever be the case & whatever may be said I was sure my new game would be an extraordinarily exciting play….
Just as I was about to disintegrate, another thought struck me….How would I be able to recognise Me, once I broke into so many littler Me’s….especially when I would be taking so many zillion forms?
I could be the trees & flowers and fruits that would bear them OR the oceans and the seas and all the creature in them OR I could fly in my air and tease the other little Me’s that would walk the earth – four legged creatures & some two legged ones too….Ohhh my creation seems endless.
With all this happening there is bound to be some confusion… Each little Me would be speaking in its own tongue to its own kind – how then will I interact with a different Me who is in a different form?....And even if I was amongst my own kind, how would I know and tell the other Me….that its all just ME – one & the same !
Questions like this would drive the smaller Me’s, who haven’t seem the bigger whole Me absolutely insane---there had to be a way out of this loop of mine.
So I thought hard and very hard indeed only to realise how stupid the thought itself had been….for, since I was a part of every little Me, all I would have to do is see the light through the darkness in Me…..No matter how small the Me I turn out to be, a speck of light is all I would need to see the Me & once I see the light of Me, I will begin to see it in everything around Me….Gradually all the little Me’s would begin to integrate to once again become the complete ME.
Wow….this seems to beat all the other games I created till date…. I will call it the ‘I-Me’ Game.
Having now worked out all the details of the ‘I-Me’ Game I finally disintegrated into a zillion pieces of light, scattering myself through darkness – all of which was Me.
Now I wait and watch all the little Me’s in all their various forms, walk the path of discovery sooner or later, seeking and seeing the light, which is the essence of every Me….finally unfolding into the bigger, whole & complete ME !
I can see that the play has begun and is well under way…but how long will it take for every little Me to see the light in Me…..A zillion years maybe….but what’s the hurry, I am here for eternity !
To all the other Me’s who have already seen Me in themselves and all those around them & who now have merged with Me…becoming the bigger I, I say….lets watch my play the ‘I-Me’ Game, now from this side of the fence……
……But How long would it take for those foolish little Me’s to realise that the fence is also ME !
Kisi Shayar Ne Kaha…..
Yeh saara khel hai mera,
Mujh me sama kar to dekho,
Khuda ko dekhna hai to
Phele khud ko mita kar to dekho.
Yeh raaz bahut hai gahera
Isme zara doob ke to dekho,
Noor ko samajh na hai to
Phele Noor ban ke to dekho !
God Bless & Lots of Luv,
~Saba Khadri~
Monday, March 06, 2006

This is for one of my dearest and sweetest of friends.
The one who gave up her name & fame and has come back home to start afresh…. to make a difference in the land she calls home…to follow her dreams, though distant & unknown.
The decision was tough & I saw her struggle
But she made the transition – the little muggle.
Sanju this is for u…for you had the guts to do what very few could do.
Here’s a poem….that is close to my heart…one I came across in my wanderings of sorts…all credit to the Poet Unknown !
A haunting feeling knocks at the door,
if only to scare you and make you unsure.
In with the new & out with the old,
a new story is about to unfold.
A series of opposites at a moment in time,
a glimpse of reality as it starts to unwind.
Caught in the emotion of fear in your heart,
controlling the feelings from the end to the start.
Been there before and it certainly gets old,
a place we all frequent ...a story untold.
In toward the new and beyond your threshold,
fire turned to ashes, your life put on hold.
Learn how to touch the secret inside,
as you travel through time with no thoughts in your mind.
Examine those feelings from stress & hard times,
and find new directions in the back of your mind.
...Or to constantly repeat life with the same dues to pay,
is like waking each morning on that same Groundhog Day!
So remember the future ~ now there's an odd twist,
see through the illusion ...just make one wish.
Feast on the intellect, accept not demand.
a striking resemblance to new lines in your hand.
It can't be so bad to accept change and grow,
Life’s great lesson... you reap what you sow.
You move to new places…coming back to the old,
The game that you started has gone pretty bold.
Look in towards the mirror ...focus & behold,
see beyond illusion; while removing the blindfold.
A new path way…a hidden gate
All wait you in a blissful state !
Welcome Back Sanju !
Lots of Luv
~Saba Khadri~
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
‘Lisan –Al – Gaib’
In a quaint alley, snuggled between towering complexes lies a small almost insignificant shop – which could be very easily be missed by any passer by & common man. It would take only the unquenched mind, the ever seeking eyes & the most voracious of all readers to discover this treasure trove. This dingy looking bookstore graciously provides room for every single book to hit the national & international market – whether a best seller or a major let down ranging from science fiction to fantasy to philosophy to business management to occult…u would find it here.
Thus this shop ‘which must not be named’ for too powerful is its name became the abode not only for rare & outdated books but even new born books, who had barely taken the whiff of the outside world…from across the world this shop became the go-down of every book - new or old, classic or contemporary…and it is here that you would oft find me, bunking classes & now bunking work spending hours on end dwelling deep into the land of words & letters.
It was on a cold winter morning a couple of years ago, when I discovered quiet by chance the mother of all science fiction novels – The Dune Series by Frank Herbert. Initially though intended to be a trilogy, Herbert could not but stop his own personal growth to higher levels & his thoughts spilled over six books all on the Dune saga.
Never have I read a science fiction novel that is buried so deep in religion & spirituality- bordering on Higher Awareness & Meta Cognition. The series draw heavily from Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Hindu Mythology, Islamic principles & ofcourse Christianity.
Dune touches upon Taoism throughout. The very first line is "A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct." compares with this fragment of chapter 63 of the Tao-te-ching, ‘Consider Beginnings’, as translated by Ursula LeGuin:
Study the hard while it's easy.
Do big things while they're small.
The hardest jobs in the world start out easy,
the great affairs of the world start small.
So the wise soul,
by never dealing with great things,
gets great things done.
The character of Paul Atreides, the protagonist of the Dune series who goes on to become Muad’Dib & the Lisan –Al – Gaib is the essence of not only of the book but the essence & the inner most truth of each of our lives. Lisan – Al – Gaib is an Arabic word meaning ‘The Hidden Prophet’ which is hidden deep within each one of us. It is the knowing, understanding and experiencing these hidden realities that marks the beginning of the spiritual journey & inner quests that every living creature embarks upon at some point during the course of his existence.
The becoming of the ‘Kwisatz Haderach’ by bridging the gap between space & time, yin and yan and embodiment of masculinity and feminity into one-all knowing, unifying force is the ultimate in all higher awareness – which every Yogi, Sufi Saint & Messiah aspires to achieve. Herbert, has spun one of the most beautiful word yarns using these concepts which modern day science fiction writers fail to do.
At what level of Meta Cognition Herbert reached one can only guess, but the fact that he brought out works like the Dune series, leaves no doubt that he has broken several boundaries in his quest for spiritual higher awareness.
Each of us is a ‘Freeman’ in our own way, looking out and waiting for our Lisan –Al – Gaib to deliver us from our current state. If only we would look deep within our inner well of providence, we would find the Mahdi [‘The One Who Will Lead Us To Paradise’] in us all & no longer would we be Freeman at the mercy of others.
Here’s a silent prayer that each of us wakes up from our Sleepy Hollow to see & experience the Lisan –Al – Gaib within us - merging with ultimate unlimited consciousness of existence!
Peace In Abundance
~Saba Khadri~
In a quaint alley, snuggled between towering complexes lies a small almost insignificant shop – which could be very easily be missed by any passer by & common man. It would take only the unquenched mind, the ever seeking eyes & the most voracious of all readers to discover this treasure trove. This dingy looking bookstore graciously provides room for every single book to hit the national & international market – whether a best seller or a major let down ranging from science fiction to fantasy to philosophy to business management to occult…u would find it here.
Thus this shop ‘which must not be named’ for too powerful is its name became the abode not only for rare & outdated books but even new born books, who had barely taken the whiff of the outside world…from across the world this shop became the go-down of every book - new or old, classic or contemporary…and it is here that you would oft find me, bunking classes & now bunking work spending hours on end dwelling deep into the land of words & letters.
It was on a cold winter morning a couple of years ago, when I discovered quiet by chance the mother of all science fiction novels – The Dune Series by Frank Herbert. Initially though intended to be a trilogy, Herbert could not but stop his own personal growth to higher levels & his thoughts spilled over six books all on the Dune saga.
Never have I read a science fiction novel that is buried so deep in religion & spirituality- bordering on Higher Awareness & Meta Cognition. The series draw heavily from Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Hindu Mythology, Islamic principles & ofcourse Christianity.
Dune touches upon Taoism throughout. The very first line is "A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct." compares with this fragment of chapter 63 of the Tao-te-ching, ‘Consider Beginnings’, as translated by Ursula LeGuin:
Study the hard while it's easy.
Do big things while they're small.
The hardest jobs in the world start out easy,
the great affairs of the world start small.
So the wise soul,
by never dealing with great things,
gets great things done.
The character of Paul Atreides, the protagonist of the Dune series who goes on to become Muad’Dib & the Lisan –Al – Gaib is the essence of not only of the book but the essence & the inner most truth of each of our lives. Lisan – Al – Gaib is an Arabic word meaning ‘The Hidden Prophet’ which is hidden deep within each one of us. It is the knowing, understanding and experiencing these hidden realities that marks the beginning of the spiritual journey & inner quests that every living creature embarks upon at some point during the course of his existence.
The becoming of the ‘Kwisatz Haderach’ by bridging the gap between space & time, yin and yan and embodiment of masculinity and feminity into one-all knowing, unifying force is the ultimate in all higher awareness – which every Yogi, Sufi Saint & Messiah aspires to achieve. Herbert, has spun one of the most beautiful word yarns using these concepts which modern day science fiction writers fail to do.
At what level of Meta Cognition Herbert reached one can only guess, but the fact that he brought out works like the Dune series, leaves no doubt that he has broken several boundaries in his quest for spiritual higher awareness.
Each of us is a ‘Freeman’ in our own way, looking out and waiting for our Lisan –Al – Gaib to deliver us from our current state. If only we would look deep within our inner well of providence, we would find the Mahdi [‘The One Who Will Lead Us To Paradise’] in us all & no longer would we be Freeman at the mercy of others.
Here’s a silent prayer that each of us wakes up from our Sleepy Hollow to see & experience the Lisan –Al – Gaib within us - merging with ultimate unlimited consciousness of existence!
Peace In Abundance
~Saba Khadri~
Sunday, February 26, 2006
I came across this anecdote somewhere during my readings.
Don’t really know who said it, when, where or in what context.
But whoever it was – most definitely made a mark on me.
Love In Adbundance
~Saba Khadri~
Reflections On Effort
The anxious student asked the Zen master how long to enlightenment.
The Zen Master answered a long time, at least 10 years.
The student said, "Well I will work twice as hard."
The Zen master said, "Then it will take 20 years."
"No!" said the committed student, "I will work three times as hard."
"Well then," said the Zen master, "it will take 30 years."
Don’t really know who said it, when, where or in what context.
But whoever it was – most definitely made a mark on me.
Love In Adbundance
~Saba Khadri~
Reflections On Effort
The anxious student asked the Zen master how long to enlightenment.
The Zen Master answered a long time, at least 10 years.
The student said, "Well I will work twice as hard."
The Zen master said, "Then it will take 20 years."
"No!" said the committed student, "I will work three times as hard."
"Well then," said the Zen master, "it will take 30 years."
Sunday, February 12, 2006
All Matters Of The Heart
Spring is in the air
All birds chirp with little care.
‘Dew drops with roses & marshmallow chocolates’-
Vendors are selling, at sky rocketing prices.
Young lads & lasses all falling into queue
Crossing their fingers…hoping this would do.
The tricks of the heart & all desires to be met
Little fledglings all ready & set.
The Yogi sings & dances for all
He has no care, for he has heard his beloved call.
Lost in a trance, with a merry dance
The fledglings & the yogis do their prance.
Fools of paradise, lost in Eden
Both mesmerized by the glamour-they go unbidden.
Then tell me my friends the difference between the two
Why is one forbidden & the other too good to be true ?
The mysteries of love & heart have they sought
Only to cry at their beloved’s thought.
The ecstasy...the fury, all in one do they see
‘Thy Beloved’ ….what have you made of me ?

A bunch of fresh roses to all my friends
Now send me my candies & make the amends:)
In The Name Of Love
I just had to share this really Koool & all time Classic Valentine Joke with all u guys:
Ishq Ne Najane Kya Kar Dala,
Kisiko Ashiq, Kisiko Dewana Bana Dala,
Do Phool Ka Vazan Na Utha Sakti Thi Mumtaz
Shahjahan Ne Us Par Taj Mahal Bana Dala !
-Author Unknown-
Wha wah …. Is all I can say !
Have a Super Kool Valentine’s Day !
~Saba Khadri~
Spring is in the air
All birds chirp with little care.
‘Dew drops with roses & marshmallow chocolates’-
Vendors are selling, at sky rocketing prices.
Young lads & lasses all falling into queue
Crossing their fingers…hoping this would do.
The tricks of the heart & all desires to be met
Little fledglings all ready & set.
The Yogi sings & dances for all
He has no care, for he has heard his beloved call.
Lost in a trance, with a merry dance
The fledglings & the yogis do their prance.
Fools of paradise, lost in Eden
Both mesmerized by the glamour-they go unbidden.
Then tell me my friends the difference between the two
Why is one forbidden & the other too good to be true ?
The mysteries of love & heart have they sought
Only to cry at their beloved’s thought.
The ecstasy...the fury, all in one do they see
‘Thy Beloved’ ….what have you made of me ?

A bunch of fresh roses to all my friends
Now send me my candies & make the amends:)
In The Name Of Love
I just had to share this really Koool & all time Classic Valentine Joke with all u guys:
Ishq Ne Najane Kya Kar Dala,
Kisiko Ashiq, Kisiko Dewana Bana Dala,
Do Phool Ka Vazan Na Utha Sakti Thi Mumtaz
Shahjahan Ne Us Par Taj Mahal Bana Dala !
-Author Unknown-
Wha wah …. Is all I can say !
Have a Super Kool Valentine’s Day !
~Saba Khadri~
Friday, February 10, 2006
Slowly getting back to blogging…But this article is no work of mine. It is the translation & handiwork of a very dear but lazy friend of mine [takes one to know one] Lathashree …So read on, N-Joy & Comment Maadi !
May the forces of the Universe be with each one of us!
[Too much of science fiction Happening :)…Plss adjust Maadi]
~Saba Khadri~
Dear all, this story is very complete. It is delightful as a play of words, delightful in its knowledge about plants and animals, delightful as a manifestation of thoughts, delightful in its utility to teach about illusion and power of mind and delightful in its exploration of the love of creation.
May your lives be blessed.
Love, Latha
A quotation, in full, from The Yoga Vasishta. An abridged version of Abhinanda Pandita's Laghu-Yoga Vasishta translated by K.N.Subramaniam. Published by Sura Books (P) Ltd., Chennai. (2003). Glossary: (translation by Lathashree K.S.) available at the end.
Section 6: Liberation; Chapter 6: The Story of Hundred Rudras (Verse 2-47)
There was a hermit who was devoted to the practice of samadhi and he was spending the whole day through such contemplation. His mind perfected by samadhi had become so pure that whatever it thought, it became the object instantly, like waters assuming the form of a wave.
Once he took respite from samadhi and sitting on his seat contemplated on the worldly process. As he was contemplating, a thought arose in his mind spontaneously-'for the love of it, let me act like a common man'. Thinking thus, his mind took the form of another individual, like the waters assuming the form of a wave by mere discarding of the former state.
After assuming through imagination, the existence of an individual, he also named himself,"I am Jivata" through sheer accident. The imagined individual roamed around for long in a dream-city among its streets. He drank intoxicant drinks and passed into oblivion and sleep. He saw in a dream that he was a brahmana who was completely satisfied with his learning and holy conduct. He became a brahmana as a result of mere imagination, like reaching one place from another.
Once, that brahmana, after a day's activities, slept deeply like a tree in the form of a seed. The brahmana saw himself as a great chieftain. The chieftain, after food, slept deeply and saw himself in a dream as a great ruler with a vast kingdom. As a king, he slept deeply and saw himself in dream as a celestial nymph.
The celestial nymph, tired of amorous sport slept deeply and saw herself as a deer. The deer with fleeting looks fell asleep and because of intense thought saw herself as a creeper. Even animals cognise dreams as a result of inherent nature. Mind has an indestructible tendency to remember things seen and heard.
The deer became a creeper, filled with flowers and fruits, in the bower, which a forest nymph frequented. The creeper assuming the form of a seed with full potential was self-cognizant and saw its own full form. Spending sometime in an inert form of sleep, the creeper saw itself as a bee.
The bee got attached to the lotus blossoms on the stalk. Even the mind of intelligent beings gets fascinated only by some object.
An elephant came to pluck the lotus. The bee alongwith the lotus got crushed. She saw the elephant and as a result of contemplation of the elephant, saw herself as an elephant. The bee that became an elephant fell into a huge pit and was captured.
The elephant became a king's favorite and was tamed suitably. It got killed in some battle. The elephant by contemplation of the bee over its neck became a bee again. The bee got killed by an elephant again. By contemplation of the hamsas nearby, the bee became a hamsa. The hamsa by uniting with other birds, became born as a hamsa in the Brahmasaras Lake. After it was born, it sported in the lake.
The bird saw once a Rudra. The bird then had the firm understanding, 'I am Rudra'. It assumed the form of Rudra and happily went around. Because of the conduct as that of a devotee of Siva, and because of association with persons of holy conduct, Rudra came to possess pure and complete knowledge about all past lives. With a clear cognition of the past, Lord Siva told him while in solitude, about the hundred dream manifestations of his.
'How wonderful is Maya! How it deludes the world! Though absolutely unreal like the waters of a mirage, it looks real!' The Rudra then remembered his various dream manifestations one by one. He recalled the hundreds of years that he had spent in his dream manifestations. The Rudra then went to the hermitage where the hermit was there like a corpse and awoke him. The hermit awoke and recalled the hundred dream manifestations. Then, the Rudra and the hermit went to the town where Jivata lived and awoke him and awestruck by the Play of the Mind recalled the dream manifestations. Since each of the dream manifestation was born of pure Chitta (Mind) every manifestation remembered the True Essence.
Sage Vasista says,"Whatever has been seen exists as it was seen in the treasure of Chitta. One attains from the Mind whatever one wants because it is all-containing.”
-End of quotation.
Brahmasaras- Head of Brahma (?)
Hamsa-swan, alternatively Breath as basis of life in the in-going and out-going breath.
Jivata-one who is alive
Rudra-devotee of Siva, alternatively, Siva.
Samadhi-single-minded contemplation
May the forces of the Universe be with each one of us!
[Too much of science fiction Happening :)…Plss adjust Maadi]
~Saba Khadri~
Dear all, this story is very complete. It is delightful as a play of words, delightful in its knowledge about plants and animals, delightful as a manifestation of thoughts, delightful in its utility to teach about illusion and power of mind and delightful in its exploration of the love of creation.
May your lives be blessed.
Love, Latha
A quotation, in full, from The Yoga Vasishta. An abridged version of Abhinanda Pandita's Laghu-Yoga Vasishta translated by K.N.Subramaniam. Published by Sura Books (P) Ltd., Chennai. (2003). Glossary: (translation by Lathashree K.S.) available at the end.
Section 6: Liberation; Chapter 6: The Story of Hundred Rudras (Verse 2-47)
There was a hermit who was devoted to the practice of samadhi and he was spending the whole day through such contemplation. His mind perfected by samadhi had become so pure that whatever it thought, it became the object instantly, like waters assuming the form of a wave.
Once he took respite from samadhi and sitting on his seat contemplated on the worldly process. As he was contemplating, a thought arose in his mind spontaneously-'for the love of it, let me act like a common man'. Thinking thus, his mind took the form of another individual, like the waters assuming the form of a wave by mere discarding of the former state.
After assuming through imagination, the existence of an individual, he also named himself,"I am Jivata" through sheer accident. The imagined individual roamed around for long in a dream-city among its streets. He drank intoxicant drinks and passed into oblivion and sleep. He saw in a dream that he was a brahmana who was completely satisfied with his learning and holy conduct. He became a brahmana as a result of mere imagination, like reaching one place from another.
Once, that brahmana, after a day's activities, slept deeply like a tree in the form of a seed. The brahmana saw himself as a great chieftain. The chieftain, after food, slept deeply and saw himself in a dream as a great ruler with a vast kingdom. As a king, he slept deeply and saw himself in dream as a celestial nymph.
The celestial nymph, tired of amorous sport slept deeply and saw herself as a deer. The deer with fleeting looks fell asleep and because of intense thought saw herself as a creeper. Even animals cognise dreams as a result of inherent nature. Mind has an indestructible tendency to remember things seen and heard.
The deer became a creeper, filled with flowers and fruits, in the bower, which a forest nymph frequented. The creeper assuming the form of a seed with full potential was self-cognizant and saw its own full form. Spending sometime in an inert form of sleep, the creeper saw itself as a bee.
The bee got attached to the lotus blossoms on the stalk. Even the mind of intelligent beings gets fascinated only by some object.
An elephant came to pluck the lotus. The bee alongwith the lotus got crushed. She saw the elephant and as a result of contemplation of the elephant, saw herself as an elephant. The bee that became an elephant fell into a huge pit and was captured.
The elephant became a king's favorite and was tamed suitably. It got killed in some battle. The elephant by contemplation of the bee over its neck became a bee again. The bee got killed by an elephant again. By contemplation of the hamsas nearby, the bee became a hamsa. The hamsa by uniting with other birds, became born as a hamsa in the Brahmasaras Lake. After it was born, it sported in the lake.
The bird saw once a Rudra. The bird then had the firm understanding, 'I am Rudra'. It assumed the form of Rudra and happily went around. Because of the conduct as that of a devotee of Siva, and because of association with persons of holy conduct, Rudra came to possess pure and complete knowledge about all past lives. With a clear cognition of the past, Lord Siva told him while in solitude, about the hundred dream manifestations of his.
'How wonderful is Maya! How it deludes the world! Though absolutely unreal like the waters of a mirage, it looks real!' The Rudra then remembered his various dream manifestations one by one. He recalled the hundreds of years that he had spent in his dream manifestations. The Rudra then went to the hermitage where the hermit was there like a corpse and awoke him. The hermit awoke and recalled the hundred dream manifestations. Then, the Rudra and the hermit went to the town where Jivata lived and awoke him and awestruck by the Play of the Mind recalled the dream manifestations. Since each of the dream manifestation was born of pure Chitta (Mind) every manifestation remembered the True Essence.
Sage Vasista says,"Whatever has been seen exists as it was seen in the treasure of Chitta. One attains from the Mind whatever one wants because it is all-containing.”
-End of quotation.
Brahmasaras- Head of Brahma (?)
Hamsa-swan, alternatively Breath as basis of life in the in-going and out-going breath.
Jivata-one who is alive
Rudra-devotee of Siva, alternatively, Siva.
Samadhi-single-minded contemplation
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Blog & Blogger On A Vacation
Many thanks for stopping by
My blog & I are on a break.
Enough of words & their meanings we’ve had
…it’s all a mess & causes unrest.
A much needed vacation of the mind
Is the agenda for this life of mine.
Hope to meet u in a wordless world,
Where mind & meaning have little hold !
~ God Bless ~
Saba Khadri
Saturday, January 21, 2006
New Spring Leaves In A Midsummer’s Bowl
Lost is my mind & quiet is my soul,
New spring leaves in a midsummer’s bowl.
An endless river becomes my mirror
Treasures of life & death here simmer.
The play of this world & after I see
It’s within & outside ….all coming from me.
Lost is my mind & quiet is my soul,
New spring leaves in a midsummer’s bowl.
Lost is my mind & quiet is my soul,
New spring leaves in a midsummer’s bowl.
An endless river becomes my mirror
Treasures of life & death here simmer.
The play of this world & after I see
It’s within & outside ….all coming from me.
Lost is my mind & quiet is my soul,
New spring leaves in a midsummer’s bowl.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Invading Privacy … Power Play ….Guilty As Charged
….Phones being tapped…secret photographs being taken…personal databases being made available to the government as well as the public…personal counseling data no longer being personal & much, much more…
“Where does all this end?”…I was asked by a very dear friend of mine. “Someone has to do something about it. People need to be treated with respect…Everyone is entitled to their secrets & private lives…No one has the right to take it away from us”…I was told.
I listened in stunned silence….Wow !....I had never really thought of it in such a way [truth being...I had never really cared to think about it at all]….Such passion & commitment to fighting for individual rights…truly moved me…Yes, it moved me to think about what was happening….& for the life of me I could not fathom the magnitude of the problem !
I have friends blogging about the importance of maintaining privacy at all levels …friends who have made it their cause to fight for the underdog….But for me I found all this hugely entertaining…So what if somebody knows your darkest secrets, your deepest fears or your most treasured memories…Is it really that BAD?
Are we so small and confined in our selves, that we feel the need to keep things under lock & key constantly….& yet we talk about growing, developing & finding the real Me…Please tell me Howz that possible?...when at no time are we ready to share. We are obsessed with ourselves & those around us…we guard & protect those we love [but from who … I ask]….we feel the need to draw boundaries….to keep secrets…And the natural result of this is – we as human beings like to solve mysteries…like to uncover what is hidden, it gives us a sense of accomplishment…a sense of self worth & we feel good about it in some screwed way & what’s wrong I wonder.
In my opinion…we grow when we open ourselves to the world…share our sorrows & as we want without fear of being judged. The other mortals will rejoice in the gossip & scandal we provide…So big deal…Why rob them of their small pleasures…I ask?...They will soon discover that its not worth the effort because of the lack of attention….while most of us on the other hand are so stuck up about what happened – that we just do not let go…& carry the baggage all our lives.
We resist these traits in other people because we at some level posses them & are unable to accept it as part of us…thus we begin to judge those who judge us or those who or those who do wrong or things we don’t like or don’t believe in…
…What if we just accept them as well as ourselves for who we are & just Be…wouldn’t that be so much simpler…But, NO…we give in to our ego so easily & thus the ‘Power Game’ begins…never to end !
...And then there were those, who came up to me & said – “You are the worst of us all, at least we fight & stand for something – You on the other hand are just indifferent & don’t care…This is the worst crime of All”…..To them I say – ‘Guilty As Charged’…Yes, you speak the truth….I have no opinions, no judgments to make or causes to fight for…for I have no boundaries & no distinctions. Yes, I am the worst of the lot…for I am You !
….Phones being tapped…secret photographs being taken…personal databases being made available to the government as well as the public…personal counseling data no longer being personal & much, much more…
“Where does all this end?”…I was asked by a very dear friend of mine. “Someone has to do something about it. People need to be treated with respect…Everyone is entitled to their secrets & private lives…No one has the right to take it away from us”…I was told.
I listened in stunned silence….Wow !....I had never really thought of it in such a way [truth being...I had never really cared to think about it at all]….Such passion & commitment to fighting for individual rights…truly moved me…Yes, it moved me to think about what was happening….& for the life of me I could not fathom the magnitude of the problem !
I have friends blogging about the importance of maintaining privacy at all levels …friends who have made it their cause to fight for the underdog….But for me I found all this hugely entertaining…So what if somebody knows your darkest secrets, your deepest fears or your most treasured memories…Is it really that BAD?
Are we so small and confined in our selves, that we feel the need to keep things under lock & key constantly….& yet we talk about growing, developing & finding the real Me…Please tell me Howz that possible?...when at no time are we ready to share. We are obsessed with ourselves & those around us…we guard & protect those we love [but from who … I ask]….we feel the need to draw boundaries….to keep secrets…And the natural result of this is – we as human beings like to solve mysteries…like to uncover what is hidden, it gives us a sense of accomplishment…a sense of self worth & we feel good about it in some screwed way & what’s wrong I wonder.
In my opinion…we grow when we open ourselves to the world…share our sorrows & as we want without fear of being judged. The other mortals will rejoice in the gossip & scandal we provide…So big deal…Why rob them of their small pleasures…I ask?...They will soon discover that its not worth the effort because of the lack of attention….while most of us on the other hand are so stuck up about what happened – that we just do not let go…& carry the baggage all our lives.
We resist these traits in other people because we at some level posses them & are unable to accept it as part of us…thus we begin to judge those who judge us or those who or those who do wrong or things we don’t like or don’t believe in…
…What if we just accept them as well as ourselves for who we are & just Be…wouldn’t that be so much simpler…But, NO…we give in to our ego so easily & thus the ‘Power Game’ begins…never to end !
...And then there were those, who came up to me & said – “You are the worst of us all, at least we fight & stand for something – You on the other hand are just indifferent & don’t care…This is the worst crime of All”…..To them I say – ‘Guilty As Charged’…Yes, you speak the truth….I have no opinions, no judgments to make or causes to fight for…for I have no boundaries & no distinctions. Yes, I am the worst of the lot…for I am You !
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Coach Carter…My Views & Reviews
Keyed here r my thoughts after seeing a particular movie…Suffering from a short attention span & hyperactive imagination…don’t be surprised to see my views jumping all over the globe…But I guess who ever is reading this is either used to that by now or would get used to it….for the rest of them I really don’t care!
I went into Planet M to pick up some koooooool sufi music & me being a ‘shop-o-holic’ was soon drawn to the dvd & vcd section, wherein I chanced upon a movie called ‘Coach Carter’….& then like lightening it struck me….that a very dear though weird friend of mine[like most of my friends] had asked me to watch it at least 3 times…so how could I not pick it up[enough reason to splurge].
…All curled up in bed that night, with enough of goodies to nibble on, I switched on my television to watch this much acclaimed movie….& to be sure it was worth every penny & much more.
An awesome movie about overcoming fears, realizing dreams & more importantly love & respect for one’s self. It is a movie about coming to terms with one’s self….& yes, it is also a movie about team work & team spirit…but that is something secondary for me, b’coz when u r honest with ur self & when u learn to respect ur self…the same is automatically passed on to others…& teams thus formed are naturally invincible. So team spirit is just an additional perk of knowing ones self & doing what u believe in whole heartedly.
Two scenes in the movie really moved me:
(i) when the lock out is voted out by the school board & yet the students continue the lock out at a personal level & when one student stands up & tells Coach Carter that what he fears most is not failure but the power & light within himself….that scene ripped me was simply Brilliant !
(ii) the last scene in the movie when the team loses the state championship & are in the locker room…The sheer joy & pride the team takes in belonging to Richmond & the exuberance on their faces when they shout the name over & over & over again…is something we don’t see these days. Infact it is something I haven’t seen in a long, long time.
The pride that we have for our home town & country is long gone….
…I enjoy working with students more than with ppl in the corporate sector, primarily b’coz I have never really grown up[infact I have regressed…I should give some of the credit here to my friends]…but the point here is every second student that I talk to wants to go abroad for his higher studies…OR wants a job in an MNC so that he can go abroad for his training OR wants to go abroad on deputation OR go abroad in search of better opportunities …Basically everyone is trying to run away from home or from themselves or run away from something or the other. What they don’t realize is …if u r brilliant, u will shine Anywhere…u don’t have to go outside for fame & recognition, it will come automatically to u.
Most people forget that when they go abroad, they have to work doubly hard to sustain & prove themselves at every level…b’coz their families r not their to provide for them, the luxuries of home r no longer available, ur closet friends are leagues away…So who do u think these people would call in the middle of the night when they have a problem or when they need to hang out with someone….Any Guesses…..Strangers from their home land & in some strange way they are no longer strangers…they become extended family…Isn’t it?
…Let me rephrase that…What is the first thing most Indians do when they go abroad…Find other Indians who are already there…befriend them…Y?...B’coz it gives them a sense of security….Finding ‘Home Away from home’ !
We slog day & night in another land, away from home & pay higher taxes…but we don’t mind…Y? it b’coz we get the tag of ‘foreign returned’ when we get back home & that makes it worth the while. Then, aren’t we at some level working out of fear & insecurity … & is it a Healthy way? … I really don’t know.
…Just imagine if we had to work just as hard back home…we would undoubtedly be one of the wealthiest people in the country, would be more powerful & influential, plus we would be paying far lesser taxes & would be pampered & spoilt thoroughly by our family & friends [what more can one ask for...I wonder]. In addition, we would be able to travel around the world for our holidays every few months….but sadly, most people abroad come home for their holidays for just a month or so & go back to slogging the rest of the year in another’s land. [Who comes home on a holiday?……I always thought u go outside on a holiday....well as usual I guess I am wrong].
Y aren’t we at peace with what we have at home? What is it that we are searching for….when everything we ever wanted is right in front of us at home….Maybe, it’s the circle of life to wander around and then come back home finally…….But, my worry is, What if it is too late? Or worse still…have we gone to the ‘Point Of No Return’!
The Movie Coach Carter…talks about returning to ones self…it talks about being proud of who u r & reaching for the stars ….Though u may not reach the stars u will still get the taste of being high ..up above the world…. This is where I beg to differ…. “I no longer want to reach for the stars…I want the stars to reach down to Me!”
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